Proposal for a day seminar : The touch of wine and the terroir,
escapade in Burgundy country.

A day dedicated to the formation and discovery, or rediscovery, of Burgundy’s climates, co-hosted by two personalities of what is now known as geosensory tasting : Jacky Rigaux and Cyrille Tota.

The morning is devoted to 3 hours of training in the prestigious place of the convent of the cordeliers (Private Club).

Description :

In the same way that there is “the nose of wine” to practice identifying the aromas that can be found in wine, there is now “the touch of wine” to help describe the texture of the wine tasted.
The recent studies we have conducted all show that there is a strong correlation between the choice of fabric, the appreciation of the wine and the choice of adjectives used by tasters to describe the texture of the wine tasted.
The touch of the fabrics significantly helps in the appreciation of tactile sensations in the mouth. The proposed portable tool is considered useful, even very useful, by more than 80% of tasters, whatever their level, to describe the texture of a wine.

During the module, you will discover the tool and its origin, you will experience it by tasting great wines, both so close and so different… to learn to assess their texture to appreciate it as accurately as possible, to feel and verbalize the differences according to the place. You will thus gradually have access to the “touch of the climates”, so specific and unique!

Program :

  • 9am Arrival in Beaune at the Couvent des Cordeliers
  • 9:00 am – 9:30 am Visit to the convent
  • 9:30 am to 12:30 pm Training
  • Gastronomic lunch
  • Afternoon visit of the estate

Rate : XXXX€ / day

You will leave with the “Le toucher du vin” case, which will be offered to you by “L’étoffe des terroir”.